We did have some fun. |
husband, my son and I just went on a little trip to the beach. We’ve been going to the same beach and
staying at the same place every summer for like the past 4 years. Sometimes, it is really fun. Other times, my son is not in a good
mood, or something happens, and it’s not so fun. Still we try and go every year. We will probably go again next year, even though in the past
few days, I swore that we would not.
left our home early on a Saturday morning. About an hour into our drive, my son had to go to the
bathroom. No. 2. He is still not
totally potty trained so thankfully he was wearing a pull up, because he didn’t
make it to the Burger King restroom that we decided to stop at. When he stepped out of the car, the poo
began flowing down his legs like someone turned on a faucet. My husband and I grabbed the wipes and
began wiping as much as we could, but it was everywhere. Shoes clothes, just all over. All of the people eating breakfast in
the Burger King were facing our direction watching. I’m sure they were really happy to see this happening to us
as they ate their sausage biscuits.
Finally, we decide, ok we’re going in. This was our plan, We would sneak in the back door and my
husband would take him in the men’s room because there are hardly any men here
that we can see, they don’t go to the restroom as much as women, they don’t
stare and judge as much as women, and they can just handle poo better in
general. All of this wasn’t
spoken aloud, it was just understood in the moment. We can kind of read each other’s minds. My husband went ahead with the boy as I
gathered the mountain of wipes in the parking lot to throw in the trash. I looked up and they were going in the
front door. The back door was
locked; so my husband brave man that he is, was going through the front of
the restaurant where you had to walk right by every customer that was there
eating. I ran in behind him hoping
that there wasn’t a big pile of poo in the middle of the restaurant floor. I went and to the ladies room to wash
my hands. No soap. Unbelievable. Other women came in and out I pretended not to be freaking out. I walked out of the ladies room, I
could hear my son screaming next door in the men’s room. A few other women came to use the
restroom as I stood outside. Their
eyes were as big as saucers as they whispered to each other hearing my son
scream. I couldn’t take it
anymore, no one was looking so I ran into the men’s room. I helped my husband finish up, threw my
son’s disgusting shorts in the trash can and finally got to wash my hands with
soap. We left that place as fast
as we could. And we did eventually
laugh about it.
5 hour drive took 7 ½ hours instead due to traffic and several bathroom
stops. My son was whiny and cranky
for the whole drive. By the time
we got there, I kind of wanted to drown myself in the ocean. But, instead, I had a glass of wine. We swam in the pool, walked on the
beach and went to bed.
next day, my son decides to start a new thing of screaming “NO, NO NO!’ at the top of his lungs . He does this every few minutes over and
over. All. Day. Long. He is still
doing it now as I type this. Not
as often, but enough to drive you a little crazy. Mind you we were staying in a condo, kind of like an
apartment complex, and he is outside on the patio/balcony yelling NO NO
NO! I’m surprised no one called
the police.
loved playing in the ocean. The
water was really rough. It was
very windy and the current was really strong. This made him love it more. The waves would knock him down and force him under water and
he would come up cracking up laughing. It was really cute and that is one of
the many things I love about him. The dangerous/exhausting part was that he
wanted to go deeper and deeper into the ocean and the current would carry us
farther and farther down the beach.
He would not stop moving when I called his name or told him to
stop. Eventually, when we had gone
far enough, I would have to drag him out of the water kicking and screaming,
carrying him down the beach until he could calm down and walk next to me. This is really fun while wearing a
bikini, with people staring at you. J I walked past children playing in the sand along the shore
with their parents looking on from their lounge chairs, enjoying their drinks. Jealous, much? We would then go and swim in the pool,
but after about 10 minutes, he would start screaming that his eyes burned and
we’d have to get out.
night, he was so tired he fell asleep at 6:00 in the evening. We knew we were in for it then. Sure enough, he woke up at 2 a.m. and
never went back to sleep until the following night. Guess what he was saying in the middle of the night? NO, NO, NO!
the countless meltdowns, constant whining and crying from both my son and me,
my husband threw out the idea that maybe we should go home a day early. I hated to give up and leave our
vacation early but I gave in and we went home.
My boys on the beach. |
of the story is you win some and you lose some. I know some people don’t want to hear the negative things,
but this is reality. And for
everyone, sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad. We’ve had other vacations
where he was wonderful. This was not our best moment, but hopefully we’ll try
another trip sometime. I’m just
not planning one anytime soon.